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Stress Keeps Us from Falling Over

Inside Arizona’s Biosphere 2, the trees grew very rapidly, more so than they would outside of the dome.  But, before they reached full maturity, they would simply fall over.  They would reach a certain height; and, it’s not that they reached the literal glass ceiling, but at a certain height, they would fall over. 

At first, the scientists couldn’t figure out why.  But after some research, they found the answer.  It was a complete lack of stress that made the root system, the bark, and the entire tree weak. 

In the real world outside of the dome, trees have to withstand wind and other elements, position themselves in a way to get more sunlight, and grow a deep and wide root system to get enough water. 

In Biosphere 2, the trees didn’t have to do any of those things: no wind, plenty of water, no elements like heavy rain, never too hot or cold, and there was always enough UV light.  All that comfort and ease produced weak trees that fell over.

Humans are kind of the same in this respect.  When we play, climb, swing, slide, run, jump, lift, pull, crawl, and move our body and use our mind to maneuver in ways that “stress” us to a certain degree, we get stronger, more flexible, less fragile, and more resilient.  We learn to make smart choices, mitigate danger, and safely navigate risk.

A well-designed playground, with challenging play elements, inspires children to grow stronger.  While there are biosphere reserves in Florida, there’s nothing like the Biosphere 2 dome.  Although a playground in mid-summer in Central Florida can feel like a greenhouse without air conditioning.  But, that’s part of risk navigation as well.  Awareness of the elements and making smart choices, is all part of the strengthening and resiliency process.

A Biosphere-2 tree would not survive in the real world; it doesn’t even “stand” a chance. 

Becoming stronger and more resilient in our formative years, helps us to handle stress and even distress in the real world, outside of the protective dome.  This is just as important in adults as well.  Instead of finding ways to completely avoid stress or stressors, it’s better to learn to engage with stress, manage it, and even use it to our advantage.  We’re less reactionary, we’re not devastated when the cheese is moved, we’re calmer, and more in control of our emotions.  Our temperament becomes more temperate. 

Outdoor exercise, even in Florida, is better than any pharmaceutical or supplement.  So, let’s go play.

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